Sunday, July 12, 2009

One loved pup

We love ourLucy....and she loves us!
Here she is with her daddy :)

So although I have always been a dog lover, I have usually made fun of people who treat their dog like their child. And now, I must admit Matt and I are hardcore "those people". He actually told me before we got Lucy that he would never have us call each other mommy and daddy to the dog because we are the master/owner and she is our dog. It cracks me up because ever so quickly has that attitude gone by the wayside. He is so precious and calls me mommy to her and himself daddy. Now those of you who want to vomit because you think this is silly and that she is "just a dog", just wait until you have a dog...things might change! :) Now we know this will probably change very quickly once we actually have real children, but for now Lucy is our baby and we like it that way. :) By no means does this mean we're spoiling her (well, maybe just a little by putting ice cubes in her water and letting her come up in bed with us for a little bit)....but we do realize she is a dog and we're trying to teach her to be obedient. So far, she is a pretty smart dog and we're excited to continue to train her.

I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend....I am excited because tomorrow is my DAY OFF and it is also the night when THE BACHELORETTE comes on!!!! :)
Also, I promise that this blog will not just be about our dog....stay tuned for more adventures in the Garlich life!

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