Friday, July 10, 2009

Happy Weekend! :)

What are everyone's plans for the weekend?

Matt is currently watching the movie "Knowing" (that he started before I got home from work...bummer! I don't enjoy starting to watch a movie in the middle not knowing what's going on) and I have been blog-stalking. He just went to take Lucy for a walk and I am in desperate need of cleaning our kitchen and putting laundry away....but it's Friday night! I just can't bring myself to do those things quite yet.

Tomorrow I have to go into work because we have a Family Reunion reception in our ballroom...yippee! :) Part of me really likes working on Saturdays because then I have Mondays off which is wonderful...but tonight thinking about having to work tomorrow makes me nauseus...okay that is a little dramatic, but still....I would love a day to relax and enjoy with my hubs. We do have plans in the afternoon, however for a dog date with our friends Rick and Julie (Matt's coworker and her husband) and their two dogs @ Tom Brown Park so that shall be fun!

Sunday brings church and then our awesome fellowship group...we are only meeting every other week in the summer (for FG not church) so I am that much more excited to spend sweet fellowship time with my dear brothers and sisters in Christ.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!

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