Sunday, April 10, 2011

Somedoggy Loves the Beach...

We took Lucy to the beach for the first time in her little life.

To put it lightly, she LOVED IT....

Aside from continually taking a bunch of little licks of the salt water thinking it was fresh and okay to drink and getting sick.....she truly lived the dog's life and enjoyed herself. Matt and I had a prettty great time also...the closest beach isn't really the most glamorous or gorgeous like I grew up on (Oh, Pensacola, how I didn't take advantage of you enough) but it was still a beautiful day nonetheless.

This above picture actually was a self-timer mistake of all of us accidentally zoomed in but I kind of liked it and thought it was artzy. :) We relaxed, took walks, and Lucy and her daddy posed for the camera :) Carabelle actually is a dog approved beach and it was fun to be able to bring her somewhere there were other dogs that isn't the dog park.

On the ride home this was our view out of the precious. :)

And after a delicious dinner with just Matthew Ryan and I at Angelo's on the Bay (I had the best seafood and a strawberry daquiri and we had equally great conversation. :))....

we were exhausted.

It was a fun filled day with just our little family. We are really enjoying this time we have before kids because we know that our lives are going to change forever once that happens. We will be filled with joy when that day comes but for now it is fun to just enjoy this time in our lives where things are simple. And we can enjoy each other.

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