Matt is doing a little better....some days are better than others and lately he has been having more good days than bad so that is a blessing. I was a bummed because I thought his neurologist was going to give us a flat answer as to what was wrong....but he didn't. He said that everything looks normal and that it is probably a virus trying to work its way out of his body or an inner ear issue and that if it continues to get worse and not better we need to see him again. Really? That's what is causing everything? I need to be thankful that all of the tests they ran came back normal but its just frustrating that we don't have a final answer. I need to continue to seek the Lord for his help and guidance.
We just recently went to Dallas for "Thanksgiving" with my family. We really didn't celebrate at all, but since Matt and I are not going to be with them for Thanksgiving, we needed to get together as a family...and boy was it wonderful. I didn't hardly take any pictures but these are a few from the trip.
The guys got to tour the Dallas Cowboys Stadium...my hubby was in his element. :)
Mark and Ashley are our sweet friends from college. Matt knew them before I came into the picture and we just love them. Mark was a groomsman in our wedding and Ashley is so sweet. They just moved to Dallas and we got to to go lunch with them.

My sweet Maren Elizabeth....I so wish that I would have gotten more pictures...especially of precious (no longer baby :( but big girl) Kennedy....but I do love this of Mare and I. We had Aunt-Niece bonding because she was the only one who would ride on the Ferris Wheel with me at the fair. I love this munchkin!

Well, this about wraps everything I feel like posting for now. :) I don't know why blogging seems so exhausting lately. I feel like I have so much in my brain but nothing really comes out when I type.....I don't like that. Hoping for a change.
Happy Tuesday!
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