Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Glee while Packing and The Baxters

Okay, so just kidding......I decided to post again this week. :) I am packing for our trip and put a bunch of Glee songs in the website called Grooveshark. If you haven't heard of it, its pretty awesome. You can go here and type in any song you want to hear and you can play it for free and create playlists. There is just something about the cast of Glee's songs that just make me smile.....and every time I watch the show I just can't help but smile during the whole thing.

On another random note...I LOVE Karen Kingsbury's books and specifically the Baxter Family Series. For those of ya'll who have read these books, you know what a deep connection you form with the characters. I was on her website today and found out that today and tomorrow there is a Baxter Family Reunion in Bloomington, IN, where the books take place. It is a two day event with separate events that take place at different locations throughout the town where significant events happened....so cool! I know I sound like a dork but you seriously just don't know until you read these books. They are so great!

Alrighty, well I am going to get back to packing. So excited to see all of my amazing family so soon!! :)

1 comment:

Alli Garlich said...

Hey Audra - I wish you lived close, I think we'd be best friends! I love Glee and the Baxter's!