I have some serious catching up to do so I will take you on a little trip through our pictures! They kind of go out of order, but I'll give a caption that will take you through them! :) Get ready!
Sweet Grandma and Grandpa Garlich. We went up to Kansas City, Missouri to spend some quality time with them in October because we are not able to go to up there for Thanksgiving with the rest of the Garlichs. We don't know how much more time we will have with them so it was absolutely wonderful to spend some sweet one on one time with them. :( This precious couple has been married 60 YEARS!!! :) I love them like my own grandparents. :)

We headed over to St. Louis one day to visit the Buelers (My favorite mother-in-law's family :)). It was absolutely GORGEOUS and fallish while we were there....we can't wait to live somewhere north of Florida because we don't get to see scenery like this often enough!
Oh yeah, did I forget to tell you guys that we bought a house while we were up there? JUST KIDDING....I WISH! This seriously is my dream home. I love it. It is adorable. Enough said. :)
We had so much fun with Eric, Matt's cousin and his adorable wife Kris! We love them and had the best time with them! Wished we lived closer because I think we would be such good friends.
Sweet and wonderful Grandma Bueler! We got to spend a whole day with her! :) It was great!
:) I have so much fun with my best friend. :)
The most adorable and fun person you will EVER MEET....Matt's Aunt Susan! I just love her and feel like we are kindred spirits! :) Aunt Susan and Uncle Ed let us stay at their beautiful home while we were there! We had SO MUCH FUN with them!
Skipping back in time....this was our fun pumpkin extravaganza night
We had to add Lucy girl...this picture was taken from so far away and zoomed in so sorry about the quality!

If you are a little confused about the pumpkin...don't worry, it is Matt's self portrait! :) Literally, all while we were dating it was a huge joke because he would draw this on everything and it was supposed to be him! Silly.
The best cuddler in the world! :) She is our protector but also the SWEETEST puppy ever!:)

What a sweet face! I love her.
If he loves this dog so much, I can't wait to see this man with our future children :)
And that pretty much sums it up! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!